How to reach us

[October 19, 2018: As explained in this story, Mt Albert Inc has ended the first phase of its life and is noiw in the hands of the Mt Albert Residents’ Association. Email with any queries]


Mt Albert Inc is owned by the Mt Albert Residents’ Association (MARA) and operated independently, as a volunteer, by publisher/editor Bruce Morris (scroll down for background). His introductory column on the day the website launched gives an insight into the project.

To succeed, the website will rely on the people of Mt Albert to lend a hand with ideas, stories and pictures. We want to hear from you!

We especially want to hear from people who have a background in journalism and can pitch in – and it would be fantastic to unearth a local Word Press wizard for phone support on occasional issues. Please drop us a line.

If you would like to send us a picture or a story – perhaps a news tip, a “growing up in Mt Albert” yarn for the history page or an opinion article on some burning local issue – please use the form below.

Or email (with attachments):



Contact Us Form

Website publisher/editor

Bruce Morris

Bruce Morris is publisher/editor of Mt Albert Inc and created the website and most of its content, with the  technical expertise of Forge Creative.

He entered journalism in the late 1960s and has worked in NZ, Australia, South Africa and the UK – mostly on newspapers and magazines, but more recently as a newspaper and editorial consultant.

Bruce is a former chief reporter, news editor and deputy editor of the Herald, editor of the Bay of Plenty Times and editor-in-chief of APN’s national network of regional and community papers.

He and wife Avis have lived in Mt Albert since 1999 and have two sons living overseas.